Choosing the Right Appliances: A Guide for SMEs in Nigeria

Make sure you are purchasing the best value equipment for your business and its power supply

by Oluwaseyi Odusanya

Published on Aug 19 2023

Choosing the Right Appliances

As a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) in Nigeria, you may be looking for ways to save money and energy in your business operations. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do that is to choose the right appliances for your needs. Appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, and lighting can consume a lot of electricity and add to your monthly bills. However, not all appliances are created equal. Some are more energy-efficient than others, meaning they use less electricity to perform the same function. How can you tell which appliances are more energy-efficient? The answer is to look at the energy labels.

What are energy labels?

Energy labels are stickers or tags that are attached to appliances to show how much energy they use and how efficient they are. They are designed to help consumers compare different models of appliances and make informed decisions. Energy labels are mandatory for some appliances in Nigeria, such as refrigerators and air conditioners, while they are voluntary for others, such as fans and lighting. Energy labels are regulated by the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), which sets the minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and the energy efficiency rating system for appliances.

How to read and understand energy labels?

Energy labels usually have two main parts: a star rating and an energy consumption figure. The star rating is a scale from one to five stars, where one star means the appliance is less efficient and five stars means it is more efficient. The more stars an appliance has, the less energy it uses and the more money you save. The energy consumption figure is a number that shows how much electricity the appliance uses in a year or an hour, depending on the type of appliance. It is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is the unit of electricity that you pay for. The lower the number, the less electricity the appliance uses and the more money you save.For example, let’s look at two different models of refrigerators that have energy labels:

  • Samsung RT28K3022SE has a three-star rating and an energy consumption figure of 350 kWh per year.
  • LG GL-B201ASPY has a five-star rating and an energy consumption figure of 250 kWh per year.

The LG refrigerator is more efficient than the Samsung refrigerator and uses 100 kWh less electricity per year. Assuming that the electricity tariff is N50 per kWh, this means that Refrigerator B can save you N5,000 per year compared to Refrigerator A.

Choosing More Efficient Appliances for Long-Term Savings

In addition to the tips provided above, it's important to focus on specific types of appliances that can significantly impact your energy consumption and expenses. Here are some recommendations for choosing energy-efficient options and the potential long-term savings in Naira for each:

  • Air conditioners: Choose air conditioners with inverter technology that can adjust the cooling power according to the load and temperature inside. This can help you save up to 60% on your electricity bill compared to non-inverter models. For instance, the LG Smart Inverter Air Conditioner with a five-star energy rating could save you up to N10,000 per year compared to conventional models.
  • Refrigerators and Freezers: Choose High-Efficiency Models. Fridges and freezers with higher star ratings and lower energy consumption figures are ideal. For instance, the Haier Thermocool Single Door Fridge with a four-star rating could save you around N5,000 per year compared to lower-rated options.
  • Fans: Opt for Energy-Efficient Fans: Ceiling fans equipped with energy-efficient motors can significantly reduce electricity consumption. The Bina tone Energy-Saving Ceiling Fan, for example, could save you around N3,000 per year compared to standard models.
  • Computers/TVs: Look for Energy Star Certified Devices. When purchasing computers and TVs, prioritize those with Energy Star certification, as they meet energy efficiency guidelines. Choosing the Samsung Energy Star Certified LED TV could save you approximately N1,500 per year compared to non-certified alternatives.
  • Lightbulbs: Choose LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs consume less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. The LG Electric Motor with an IE3 efficiency rating could save you around N7,000 per year compared to standard motors.

By making informed choices and investing in energy-efficient appliances, you can not only reduce your energy consumption but also save a substantial amount of money over time. Keep in mind that the potential savings mentioned above are approximate estimates, and actual savings may vary based on usage patterns, electricity rates, and other factors. Additionally, it’s worth considering the cumulative impact of upgrading multiple appliances, as the savings can add up significantly and positively impact your business’s bottom line.

How to choose the right appliances?

When you are shopping for appliances, you should always look at the energy labels and compare them with other models. Here are some tips to help you choose the right appliances:

  • Choose appliances that have higher star ratings and lower energy consumption figures. They will save you more money and energy in the long run.
  • Choose appliances that suit your needs and preferences. Don’t buy appliances that are too big or too small for your space or usage. For example, if you only need a small refrigerator for your office, don’t buy a large one that will consume more electricity than necessary.
  • Choose appliances that have additional features that can help you save more energy. For example, some refrigerators have inverter technology that can adjust the cooling power according to the load and temperature inside. Some air conditioners have smart sensors that can detect the presence of people in the room and adjust the temperature accordingly.
  • Choose appliances that have good quality and durability. Don’t buy cheap or substandard appliances that may break down easily or consume more electricity than they should. Look for reputable brands and models that have warranties and after-sales service.


Choosing the right appliances can make a big difference in your business performance and profitability. By looking at the energy labels and comparing different models of appliances, you can find the ones that are more energy-efficient and cost-effective for your needs. This way, you can reduce your electricity bills, save money, protect the environment, and improve your customer satisfaction.

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